Monday, June 9, 2014

EA's 2014 E3 Press Conference

Not quite the Nintendo Seal of Quality was ok I guess.

Probably more noticeable in EA's conference than any so far is showing off rough, unfinished games.  Seems like a reaction to Kickstarters showing their work in progress.  In one light, sure that's great, more transparent game companies is great, but  Criterion showing a bunch of slides on what they hope to ship, along with the insides of their office just isn't that exciting.  Getting hints of the next Mass Effect or the next Mirror's Edge kind of feels like a cheat at this point for an E3 conference.

Nick from REV3 sums it up best when we did see some of Mirror's Edge:

  "say it. say "no guns" out loud. you are halfway there you're so close JUST SAY "NO GUNS"  OUT LOUD WITH YOUR MOUTHS RIGHT NOW SAY IT"

It was nice to see that EA is bringing some stuff to come out this year.  It's easy to overlook Dragon Age, UFC, even Hardline in a sense.

I'm also admittedly not the guy to talk to about sports games, but it seems like we're still playing the incredibly minor improvement game of the yearly franchise.  Was anybody asking for flags that moved on the pitch?  Does that feature sell the game for FIFA enthusiasts?

Hardline Beta opening up today is cool.  Site is currently getting slammed, but having something to play out of E3 in a fashion is a nifty touch, so hop on that if you like.

Weakest conference so far, but Ubisoft is up next, so we'll see what they bring today.

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