Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Last Call: Breaking down Forsaken's opening mission

Between getting bogged down with stepping on plates and defeating waves of enemies, Destiny manages to get quite a few memorable missions into its campaign and post-games.  Sometimes they range from really deep and esoteric secrets involving an ARG.  Other times, they're just really solidly designed combat sequences that are fun to run through.  Last Call, the opening mission in Forsaken, and final fight of Cayde-6, falls into the latter.  It presents an excellent way to kick-off an entire expansion's breadth of content.  It's worth breaking down all the elements that come together in order to make this sequence as explosive as it is.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Forsaken Pre-patch

Season 4 of Destiny and it’s Forsaken expansion is a mere few hours from being ready for Guardians to adventure and explore through. This time around however, Bungie has decided to present the community with a pre-patch, exposing the player base to new systems and features that have been teased for months now. While not everything in the pre-patch was perfect experience, the good far outweighs the bad.