Friday, May 22, 2015

The Friday Wrap-up 5/22/2015

It's been uncharacteristically busy in the gaming world for a summer Friday.  Decided I'd take this opportunity, as well as some inspiration from Patrick K. over at Kotaku, to round up some of my favorite stories and videos from the past week that managed to catch my eye.  Granted, a lot of these are playing towards my own personal interests and fandoms, but you might find a thing or two in here that catches your eye or sends you down a rabbit hole for the day, so have a look.

Bloodborne's story explained

For me, there are two names when it comes to taking a magnifying glass to the Souls series.  Marcus, a.k.a. Epic Name Bro, managed to garner quite an audience with the U.S. release of Dark Souls, and has managed to turn his youtube career into helping contribute to the official guides for the series.  His Let's Play series has just recently wrapped up, so he's now doing some challenge runs that are worth a look.

Vaatividya is a bit of a newcomer to the scene by comparison, but he's manage to put out some phenomenal series looking at individual characters and overall plot analysis.  His most recent video is one of the best culminations of conjecture and fact-finding I've seen when it comes to Bloodborne's twisted tale.  If you ever wanted some light shed on the dark activities of Yharnam, or just want to see how crazy a typical FROM SOFTWARE story can get, this is the video to start with.

Impressions and Secrets for the House of Wolves

I've been able to do a little bit of digging into the latest expansion for Destiny, (Turns out Witcher 3 is really big) but what I've played so far seems to be really really good.  I'm not the only one this sentiment, people really seem to be digging all the new content.  It's encouraging to know that Bungie is actually responding to the feedback they claim they're getting.

This Week, Destiny Got A Hell Of A Lot Better

Case in point, the Lighthouse on Mercury.  This exclusive social space is reserved for top PVP players that manage to fill out a perfect 9-0 score card in the new Trials of Osiris.  It looks cool, it's got great rewards, a healthy amount of mystery, and it was mentioned in any of the preview material for this expansion.  Good on Bungie for keeping it under wraps.  This nifty area actually makes me want assemble a crew to try out the trials myself.

Destiny's New Secret Area Is Very Exclusive

The flaming spectre of Metal Gear Solid V

This one's been a long running fan theory ever since the reveal that The Phantom Pain and Metal Gear Solid V, but this latest action figure more or less cinches the link.  For people that are chomping at the bit for more details on Big Bosses next (probably last) mission,  YongYea is by far the most active youtube personality covering every detail conceivable.  For me, it was where I managed to first hear about the incredible conspiracy theory involving Italian head transplant doctors (a story which has continued to develop), as well as some of the crazy Konami developments as well.  Speaking of which...

A Eulogy for P.T.

Pretty sure I've mentioned Super Bunny Hop here before.  George Weidman continues to produce great content every week, and his recent saga with Konami has only increased his visibility online.  His most recent video talks about just exactly what made this free playable trailer so damn special, as well as why people are so dejected that the final project will never come to fruition.  Me though, I just keep trying to figure out why I can't find my download of the game on my PS4 anymore (sad face).

So that's what I've got for today.  Probably be a good regular round-up to do, so expect more posts in the future!

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